Tutorial: Init


Init Site

Init site

After installing Hikaru, you can use following command to setup a site directory:

$ npx hikaru init --debug

The directory looks like:

    |- srcs/
    |- docs/
    |- themes/
    |- node_modules/
    |- package.json
    |- site-config.yaml
    |- theme-config.yaml

Install plugins

If you forget to install plugins together with Hikaru, you can also install them with NPM:

$ npm install --save hikaru-generator-feed hikaru-generator-sitemap hikaru-generator-search

Install theme

Before rendering, you need a theme as a template.

Clone theme

Using hikaru-theme-aria as example:

$ git clone https://github.com/AlynxZhou/hikaru-theme-aria.git themes/aria

Or if you want commit the whole site you can use submodule:

$ git submodule add https://github.com/AlynxZhou/hikaru-theme-aria.git themes/aria

Edit config

$ $EDITOR site-config.yaml

Set themeDir to themes/aria

themeDir: themes/aria

Copy theme config to site dir and edit it:

$ cp themes/aria/theme-config.yaml theme-config.yaml
$ $EDITOR theme-config.yaml

File info


This contains most site config.


This contains most theme config.


This contains your site's source files.


Output files will be built to this directory.


This contains your site's themes.

Most of those dirs can be changed in site-config.yaml.