Source: utils.js

 * @module utils

import * as path from "node:path";

import fse from "fs-extra";
import YAML from "yaml";
import * as parse5 from "parse5";
import readdirp from "readdirp";
import picomatch from "picomatch";
import nunjucks from "nunjucks";

import {Site, File, Category, Tag, TOC} from "./types.js";

 * @description Hikaru's package dir.
const hikaruDir = path.resolve(
  path.dirname(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname),

 * @param {String} path
 * @return {Promise<Object>}
const loadJSON = async (path) => {
  return JSON.parse(await fse.readFile(path, "utf8"));

 * @param {String} path
 * @return {Object}
const loadJSONSync = (path) => {
  return JSON.parse(fse.readFileSync(path, "utf8"));

 * @private
 * @description This is Hikaru's package.json, it is used internally.
const pkgJSON = loadJSONSync(path.join(hikaruDir, "package.json"));

 * @param {String} path
 * @return {Promise<Object>}
const loadYAML = async (path) => {
  return YAML.parse(await fse.readFile(path, "utf8"));

 * @param {String} path
 * @return {Object}
const loadYAMLSync = (path) => {
  return YAML.parse(fse.readFileSync(path, "utf8"));

 * @param {*} o
 * @return {Boolean}
const isNumber = (o) => {
  return typeof o === "number" || o instanceof Number;

 * @param {*} o
 * @return {Boolean}
const isString = (o) => {
  return typeof o === "string" || o instanceof String;

 * @param {*} o
 * @return {Boolean}
const isArray = (o) => {
  return Array.isArray(o);

 * @param {*} o
 * @return {Boolean}
const isFunction = (o) => {
  return o instanceof Function;

 * @param {*} o
 * @return {Boolean} Return `false` when `o == null`.
const isObject = (o) => {
  return typeof o === "object" && o != null;

 * @param {*} o
 * @return {Boolean}
const isBuffer = (o) => {
  return Buffer.isBuffer(o);

 * @private
const typeCheckers = {
  "Number": isNumber,
  "String": isString,
  "Array": isArray,
  "Function": isFunction,
  "Buffer": isBuffer,
  "Object": isObject,
  "null": (o) => {
    return o == null;
 * @description Check whether a variable is one of give types.
 * @param {*} var
 * @param {String} name Variable name.
 * @param {...String} types
const checkType = (variable, name, ...types) => {
  // Previously we accept String or Array of String, keep compatible.
  types = types.flat();
  for (const type of types) {
    if (typeCheckers[type] == null) {
      throw new TypeError(`\`types\` should only contain following types: ${
        Object.keys(typeCheckers).join(", ")
  const ok = types.some((type) => {
    return typeCheckers[type](variable);
  if (!ok) {
    throw new TypeError(`\`${name}\` should only be one of following types: ${
      types.join(", ")

 * @description Check whether a buffer is a binary. You should use
 * `isBinaryPath(p)` because this is costly and mostly a false positive is
 * harmless so we don't need an exact check. For non-costly exact check, add
 * `isbinaryfile` dependency for your project.
 * @param {Buffer} b
 * @return {Boolean}
const isBinary = (b) => {
  return isBuffer(b) && !b.equals(Buffer.from(b.toString("utf8"), "utf8"));

 * @private
const binExt = loadJSONSync(path.join(hikaruDir, "hikaru", "bin-ext.json"));
 * @description Check whether a path is a binary via ext name. For non-costly
 * exact check, add `isbinaryfile` dependency for your project.
 * @param {String} p
 * @return {Boolean}
const isBinaryPath = (p) => {
  return binExt.includes(path.extname(p).toLowerCase());

 * @deprecated
 * @description You should use `isBinaryPath(p)` mostly. This is only for
 * compatibility because `isbinaryfile` dependency is dropped.
 * @param {String|Buffer} o
 * @return {Boolean}
const isBinaryFile = (o) => {
  return isBuffer(o) ? isBinary(o) : isBinaryPath(o);

 * @deprecated
 * @description You should use `isBinaryPath(p)` mostly. This is only for
 * compatibility because `isbinaryfile` dependency is dropped.
 * @param {String|Buffer} o
 * @return {Boolean}
const isBinaryFileSync = isBinaryFile;

 * @description Node.js marks `fs.exists()` deprecated and suggest to use
 * `fs.access()`, but it throws error instead of return a boolean, this is a
 * wrapper for it.
 * @see
 * @param {String} p
 * @return {Boolean}
const isReadableSync = (p) => {
  try {
    fse.accessSync(p, fse.constants.R_OK);
    return true;
  } catch (error) {
    return false;

 * @description Escape HTML chars.
 * @param {String} str
 * @return {String} Escaped HTML string.
const escapeHTML = (str) => {
  return str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
    .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
    .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
    .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
    .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");

 * @description Remove all HTML tags.
 * @param {String} str
 * @return {String} String without HTML tags.
const removeHTMLTags = (str) => {
  return str.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, "");

 * @callback compareCallback
 * @description Comparing function accepted by `Array.sort()`.
 * @param {*} a
 * @param {*} b
 * @return {Number}
 * @description Sort an array with a fallback list, call comparing function
 * from first to last until there is a difference.
 * @param {Array} arr
 * @param {...compareCallback} fns
const fallbackSort = (arr, ...fns) => {
  fns = fns.filter((fn) => {
    return isFunction(fn);
  if (!isArray(arr) || fns.length === 0) {
  arr.sort((a, b) => {
    for (const fn of fns) {
      const result = fn(a, b);
      if (result !== 0) {
        return result;
    return 0;

 * @description A Promised glob.
 * @param {String} pattern
 * @param {Objects} [opts] Optional match opts.
 * @param {String} [opts.workDir=.] Working dir for this match.
 * @param {Boolean} [opts.ignoreDir=true] Ignore directories or not.
 * @param {Boolean} [opts.ignoreHidden=true] Ignore hidden files or not.
 * @param {Boolean} [opts.recursive=true] Set to false if you don't care about
 * subdirs to get better performance.
 * @return {Promise<String[]>}
const matchFiles = (pattern, opts = {}) => {
  if (opts["ignoreDir"] == null) {
    opts["ignoreDir"] = true;
  if (opts["ignoreHidden"] == null) {
    opts["ignoreHidden"] = true;
  if (opts["recursive"] == null) {
    opts["recursive"] = true;
  opts["workDir"] = opts["workDir"] || ".";
  const isMatch = picomatch(pattern, {"dot": !opts["ignoreHidden"]});
  const matchWithHidden = (entry) => {
    return isMatch(entry["path"]);
  // We don't use picomatch for hidden files, basename is more reliable.
  const matchWithoutHidden = (entry) => {
    const basename = path.basename(entry["path"]);
    return !basename.startsWith(".") && matchWithHidden(entry);
  const readdirpOpts = {
    // readdirp supports glob patterns as filter and will call picomatch
    // internally, but we won't use it because it does not support `**` and
    // patterns must be all inclusive or all exclusive.
    "fileFilter": opts["ignoreHidden"] ? matchWithoutHidden : matchWithHidden,
    "type": opts["ignoreDir"] ? "files" : "files_directories"
  if (!opts["recursive"]) {
    readdirpOpts["depth"] = 1;
  return readdirp.promise(opts["workDir"], readdirpOpts).then((entries) => {
    return => {return entry["path"];});

 * @description Remove XML control chars.
 * @param {String} str
 * @return {String} XML string.
const removeControlChars = (str) => {
  /* eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex */
  return str.replace(/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/g, "");

 * @typedef {Object} FrontMatter
 * @property {Object} attributes Parsed front-matter properties.
 * @property {String} body String after front-matter.
 * @property {String} frontMatter Front-matter string.
 * @description Get front-matter from string, front-matter here should be at the
 * beginning of string (so UTF-8 BOM is not supported), and should begin with
 * `---` in the first line, and should have valid YAML in lines after that, and
 * should end with `---` in the next line.
 * @param {String} str
 * @return {FrontMatter}
const getFrontMatter = (str) => {
  // Return if no front matter. Only check once so `g` is not required.
  if (!/^---+\r?\n/.test(str)) {
    return {"attributes": {}, "body": str};
  // We split string manually instead of using `str.split(regexp, 3)`, this
  // function will split the whole string first and then return the first 3
  // results, but we want to only split twice.
  // Flag `m` can be used for per line test, and `exec()`, `matchAll()` requires
  // flag `g`.
  // We need to use /\r?\n/ here instead of /$/, so `\r` and `\n` will be part
  // of the match results so we could exclude them from front-matter and body.
  const regexp = /^---+\r?\n/gm;
  // RegExp is stateful so `exec()` will start after last matched result.
  const fmBegin = regexp.exec(str);
  const fmEnd = regexp.exec(str);
  // `null` is returned if not match, which means no front-matter at all.
  if (fmBegin == null || fmEnd == null) {
    return {"attributes": {}, "body": str};
  // Matched result looks like
  // `{"---\n", "index": 0, "input": "---\n", "groups": undefined}`.
  // It is a mix of Array and Object. We use it to split string manually.
  const result = {
    "body": str.substring(fmEnd.index + fmEnd[0].length),
    "frontMatter": str.substring(fmBegin.index + fmBegin[0].length, fmEnd.index)
  try {
    result["attributes"] = YAML.parse(result["frontMatter"]);
  } catch (error) {
    result["attributes"] = {};
  return result;

 * @description Parse front-matter and set properties to file.
 * @param {File} file
 * @return {File}
const parseFrontMatter = (file) => {
  if (file["text"] == null) {
    return file;
  const parsed = getFrontMatter(file["text"]);
  file["text"] = parsed["body"];
  file["frontMatter"] = parsed["attributes"];
  file = Object.assign(file, parsed["attributes"]);
  // See <>.
  // ISO 8601 date time format is expected, and by default a string with date
  // and time will be parsed as local time.
  file["updated"] = file["updated"] || file["updatedDate"];
  if (file["updated"] != null) {
    file["updated"] = new Date(file["updated"]);
  file["updatedDate"] = file["updated"];
  file["created"] = file["created"] || file["createdDate"];
  if (file["created"] != null) {
    file["created"] = new Date(file["created"]);
  file["createdDate"] = file["created"];
  return file;

 * @private
 * @description This is only used for serving, so we lazy load it to save time
 * on building.
let extMIME = null;
 * @description Detect Content-Type via filename.
 * @param {String} docPath
 * @return {String} Content-Type value.
const getContentType = (docPath) => {
  if (extMIME == null) {
    extMIME = loadJSONSync(path.join(hikaruDir, "hikaru", "ext-mime.json"));
  const ext = path.extname(docPath).toLowerCase();
  return extMIME[ext] || "application/octet-stream";

 * @description Paginate page's posts.
 * @param {File} p Original page.
 * @param {File[]} posts Page related posts.
 * @param {Number} [perPage=10] How many posts per page.
 * @return {File[]} Paginated pages, original page's index is 0.
const paginate = (p, posts = [], perPage = 10) => {
  const results = [];
  let perPagePosts = [];
  for (const post of posts) {
    if (perPagePosts.length === perPage) {
      results.push(new File(p, {"posts": perPagePosts}));
      perPagePosts = [];
  results.push(new File(p, {"posts": perPagePosts}));
  results[0]["pages"] = results;
  results[0]["index"] = 0;
  // Keep compatible and don't break themes.
  results[0]["pageIndex"] = results[0]["index"];
  results[0]["pageArray"] = results[0]["pages"];
  results[0]["docPath"] = p["docPath"];
  for (let i = 1; i < results.length; ++i) {
    results[i]["pages"] = results;
    results[i]["index"] = i;
    // Keep compatible and don't break themes.
    results[i]["pageArray"] = results[i]["pages"];
    results[i]["pageIndex"] = results[i]["index"];
    results[i]["docPath"] = path.join(
        p["docPath"], path.extname(p["docPath"])
      )}-${i + 1}.html`
  return results;

 * @description Generate pages and paginate posts of categories.
 * @param {Category[]} categories
 * @param {String} parentPath Parent category's dir.
 * @param {docDir} docDir
 * @param {Number} [perPage=10] How many posts per page.
 * @return {File[]} All category and it's subs pages.
const paginateCategoriesPosts = (
  categories, parentPath, docDir, perPage = 10
) => {
  const results = [];
  for (const category of categories) {
    category["docPath"] = path.join(parentPath, category["name"], "index.html");
    const sp = new File({
      "layout": "category",
      "docDir": docDir,
      "docPath": category["docPath"],
      "title": "category",
      "category": category,
      "name": category["name"],
      "comment": false,
      "reward": false
    results.push(...paginate(sp, category["posts"], perPage));
    results.push(...paginateCategoriesPosts(category["subs"], path.join(
      parentPath, category["name"]
    ), docDir, perPage));
  return results;

 * @callback getPath
 * @description Get full website path starts from `/` after domain. This
 * function can only handle site internal path.
 * @param {String} [docPath]
 * @param {Boolean} [skipEncode=false] If true, skip `encodeURI()`.
 * @return {String} Full path that starts with site rootDir.
 * @description Get a function to handle full website path.
 * @param {String} [rootDir] Site rootDir.
 * @return {getPath}
const getPathFn = (rootDir = path.posix.sep) => {
  // Anyway, we need to escape backslash literally using RegExp.
  const winSepRegExp = new RegExp(`\\${path.win32.sep}`, "g");
  rootDir = rootDir.replace(winSepRegExp, path.posix.sep);
  if (!rootDir.endsWith(path.posix.sep)) {
    rootDir = path.posix.join(rootDir, path.posix.sep);
  if (!path.posix.isAbsolute(rootDir)) {
    rootDir = path.posix.join(path.posix.sep, rootDir);
  return (docPath = "", skipEncode = false) => {
    // Handle link with query string or hash.
    // Use assertion to prevent `?` and `#` to be removed.
    const array = docPath.split(/(?=[?#])/);
    array[0] = array[0].replace(winSepRegExp, path.posix.sep);
    const baseName = path.posix.basename(array[0]);
    const dirName = path.posix.dirname(array[0]);
    if (baseName === "index.html" || baseName === "index.htm") {
      array[0] = path.posix.join(dirName, path.posix.sep);
    // marked.js and CommonMark tends to do URL encode by themselves. Maybe I
    // should not do `encodeURL()` here.
    // See <>.
    return skipEncode
      ? path.posix.join(rootDir, ...array)
      : encodeURI(path.posix.join(rootDir, ...array));

 * @callback getURL
 * @description Get full website URL including the domain. This function can
 * only handle site internal path.
 * @param {String} [docPath]
 * @return {URL} Full website URL.
 * @description Get a function to handle full website URL.
 * @param {String} [baseURL] Site baseURL.
 * @param {String} [rootDir] Site rootDir.
 * @return {getURL}
const getURLFn = (baseURL, rootDir = path.posix.sep) => {
  const getPath = getPathFn(rootDir);
  return (docPath = "") => {
    return new URL(getPath(docPath), baseURL);

 * @callback isCurrentHost
 * @description Test if given URL is on current host. This function does not
 * care about query string and hash.
 * @param {String} [testURL] URL needed to test.
 * @return {Boolean}
 * @description Get a function to handle if parameter is on current host.
 * @param {String} baseURL Site baseURL.
 * @param {String} [rootDir] Site rootDir.
 * @return {isCurrentHost}
const isCurrentHostFn = (baseURL, rootDir = path.posix.sep) => {
  const getURL = getURLFn(baseURL, rootDir);
  const currentHost = getURL().host;
  return (testURL) => {
    // If `testURL` is a valid URL, `baseURL` will be ignored, so we can compare
    // host for all links here.
    const url = new URL(testURL, baseURL);
    // It returns `""` for data URL!
    return === currentHost || === "";

 * @callback isCurrentPath
 * @description Test if given path is current path. This function does not care
 * about query string and hash. This function can only handle site internal
 * path.
 * @param {String} [testPath] Path needed to test.
 * @param {Boolean} [strict=false] If not strict, true is also returned if given
 * path is parent path of current path.
 * @return {Boolean}
 * @description Get a function to handle if parameter is current path.
 * @param {String} [rootDir] Site rootDir.
 * @param {String} [currentPath] current page's path.
 * @return {isCurrentPath}
const isCurrentPathFn = (rootDir = path.posix.sep, currentPath = "") => {
  const getPath = getPathFn(rootDir);
  currentPath = getPath(currentPath).split(/[?#]/)[0];
  const currentToken = currentPath.split(path.posix.sep);
  // `"/a/b/"` will be `["", "a", "b", ""]`, and `"/a/b/c"` will be
  // `["", "a", "b", "c"]`, so we always ignore the last empty string.
  if (currentToken[currentToken.length - 1].length === 0) {
  return (testPath = "", strict = false) => {
    if (!isString(testPath)) {
      strict = testPath;
      testPath = "";
    testPath = getPath(testPath).split(/[?#]/)[0];
    if (currentPath === testPath) {
      return true;
    const testToken = testPath.split(path.posix.sep);
    if (testToken[testToken.length - 1].length === 0) {
    if (strict && testToken.length !== currentToken.length) {
      return false;
    // `testPath` is shorter and usually be a menu link.
    for (let i = 0; i < testToken.length; ++i) {
      if (testToken[i] !== currentToken[i]) {
        return false;
    return true;

 * @description Compare strings.
 * @param {String} a
 * @param {String} b
 * @return {Number}
const localeCompareSimple = (a, b) => {
  if (!(isString(a) && isString(b))) {
    return 0;
  return a.localeCompare(b);

 * @callback localeCompare
 * @description Compare strings, with locale support if `Intl` is available.
 * @param {String} a
 * @param {String} b
 * @return {Number}
 * @see
 * @description Get a function to compare strings, with locale support if `Intl`
 * is available.
 * @param {String} locales
 * @return {localCompare}
const localeCompareFn = (locales) => {
  if (!isObject(Intl)) {
    return localeCompareSimple;
  const collator = new Intl.Collator(locales, {
    "usage": "sort",
    "localeMatcher": "best fit",
    "numeric": true,
    // `R` < `r` but `re` < `RI`, why?
    "caseFirst": "upper",
    "sensitivity": "variant",
    "ignorePunctuation": false

 * @description Format date and time to `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss`.
 * @param {*} [dt=new Date()]
 * @return {String}
const formatDateTimeSimple = (dt = new Date()) => {
  if (!(dt instanceof Date)) {
    dt = new Date(dt);
  const year = dt.getFullYear().toString();
  const month = (dt.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0");
  const date = dt.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0");
  const hour = dt.getHours().toString().padStart(2, "0");
  const minute = dt.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0");
  const second = dt.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0");
  return `${year}-${month}-${date} ${hour}:${minute}:${second}`;

 * @callback formatDateTime
 * @description Format date and time, with locale support if `Intl` is
 * available.
 * @param {*} [dt=new Date()]
 * @return {String}
 * @see
 * @see
 * @description Get a function to format date and time, with locale support if
 * `Intl` is available.
 * @param {String} locales
 * @return {formatDateTime}
const formatDateTimeFn = (locales) => {
  if (!isObject(Intl)) {
    return formatDateTimeSimple;
  const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, {
    "year": "numeric",
    "month": "2-digit",
    "day": "2-digit",
    "weekday": "short",
    "hour": "2-digit",
    "minute": "2-digit",
    "second": "2-digit",
    "timeZoneName": "short",
    "hour12": false
  return (dt = new Date()) => {
    if (!(dt instanceof Date)) {
      dt = new Date(dt);
    const parts = formatter.formatToParts(dt);
    const obj = {};
    for (const {type, value} of parts) {
      obj[type] = value;
    return `${obj["year"]}-${obj["month"]}-${obj["day"]} ${obj["weekday"]} ${obj["hour"]}:${obj["minute"]}:${obj["second"]} ${obj["timeZoneName"]}`;

 * @typedef {Object} CategoriesData
 * @property {Category[]} categories
 * @property {Number} categoriesLength
 * @description Generate categories from posts.
 * @param {File[]} posts
 * @return {CategoriesData}
const genCategories = (posts) => {
  const categories = [];
  let categoriesLength = 0;
  for (const post of posts) {
    if (post["frontMatter"]["categories"] == null) {
    const postCategories = [];
    let subCategories = categories;
    for (const c of post["frontMatter"]["categories"]) {
      // Maybe Numbers? I don't know.
      const cateName = c.toString();
      let category = subCategories.find((category) => {
        return category["name"] === cateName;
      if (category == null) {
        category = new Category(cateName);
      subCategories = category["subs"];
    post["categories"] = postCategories;
  return {categories, categoriesLength};

 * @typedef {Object} TagsData
 * @property {Tag[]} tags
 * @property {Number} tagsLength
 * @description Generate tags from posts.
 * @param {File[]} posts
 * @return {TagsData}
const genTags = (posts) => {
  const tags = [];
  let tagsLength = 0;
  for (const post of posts) {
    if (post["frontMatter"]["tags"] == null) {
    const postTags = [];
    for (const t of post["frontMatter"]["tags"]) {
      // Maybe Numbers? I don't know.
      const tagName = t.toString();
      let tag = tags.find((tag) => {
        return tag["name"] === tagName;
      if (tag == null) {
        tag = new Tag(tagName);
    post["tags"] = postTags;
  return {tags, tagsLength};

 * @description Put file into an array in site, will replace file with the same
 * destination.
 * @param {Site} site
 * @param {String} key
 * @param {File} file
const putSite = (site, key, file) => {
  if (file == null || !Site.arrayKeys.includes(key)) {
  const i = site[key].findIndex((element) => {
    return (
      element["docPath"] === file["docPath"] &&
      element["docDir"] === file["docDir"]
  if (i !== -1) {
    site[key][i] = file;
  } else {

 * @description Delete file from an array in site which have the same source.
 * @param {Site} site
 * @param {String} key
 * @param {File} file
const delSite = (site, key, file) => {
  if (file == null || !Site.arrayKeys.includes(key)) {
  for (let i = 0; i < site[key].length; ++i) {
    if (
      site[key][i]["srcPath"] === file["srcPath"] &&
      site[key][i]["srcDir"] === file["srcDir"]
    ) {
      // Don't use break here because we may have many files created with the
      // same source.
      site[key].splice(i, 1);
      // Don't forget this because we removed one element from array!

 * @description Get File's full src path.
 * @param {File} file
 * @return {String}
const getFullSrcPath = (file) => {
  if (file == null || file["srcDir"] == null || file["srcPath"] == null) {
    return null;
  return path.join(file["srcDir"], file["srcPath"]);

 * @description Get File's full document path.
 * @param {File} file
 * @return {String}
const getFullDocPath = (file) => {
  if (file == null || file["docDir"] == null || file["docPath"] == null) {
    return null;
  return path.join(file["docDir"], file["docPath"]);

 * @see
 * @see
 * @description Parse HTML string into parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} [node] If specified, given fragment will be parsed as it was
 * set to the context element's `innerHTML` property.
 * @param {String} html HTML string to parse.
 * @param {Object} [options] parse5 options.
 * @return {Object}
const parseNode = (node, html, options) => {
  return parse5.parseFragment(node, html, options);

 * @see
 * @description Serialize parse5 Node into HTML string.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node to serialize.
 * @param {Object} [options] parse5 options.
 * @return {String}
const serializeNode = (node, options) => {
  return parse5.serialize(node, options);

 * @description Quick and not so dirty way to replace a Node with given HTML
 * string.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node to replace.
 * @param {String} html
const replaceNode = (node, html) => {
  const parentNode = node["parentNode"];
  if (parentNode != null && html != null) {
    const newNode = parseNode(html);
    if (newNode["childNodes"] != null && newNode["childNodes"].length > 0) {
      const index = parentNode["childNodes"].indexOf(node);
        ...newNode["childNodes"].map((childNode) => {
          childNode["parentNode"] = parentNode;
          return childNode;

 * @callback traversalCallback
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @see
 * @description Recursively Pre-Order Traversal of parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} node Root parse5 Node of a tree.
 * @param {traversalCallback} callback
const nodesEach = (node, callback) => {
  if (isFunction(callback)) {
    if (node["childNodes"] != null) {
      for (const childNode of node["childNodes"]) {
        nodesEach(childNode, callback);

 * @callback filterCallback
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @return {Boolean} True to collect a node into an Array.
 * @see
 * @description Recursively Pre-Order Traversal of parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} node Root parse5 Node of a tree.
 * @param {filterCallback} callback
 * @return {Object[]} An Array of filtered parse5 Nodes.
const nodesFilter = (node, callback) => {
  const results = [];
  if (isFunction(callback)) {
    nodesEach(node, (node) => {
      if (callback(node)) {
  return results;

 * @see
 * @see
 * @description Get text content of a parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @return {String}
const getNodeText = (node) => {
  if (node["childNodes"] != null) {
    for (const childNode of node["childNodes"]) {
      if (childNode["nodeName"] === "#text") {
        return childNode["value"];
  return null;

 * @description Set text content (or innerHTML) of a parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {String} html
const setNodeText = (node, html) => {
  // Add HTML to childNodes via parsing and replacing to keep tree reference,
  // and skip the parse5-generated `#document-fragment` node.
  // Text nodes have no childNode.
  // Only append to nodes that already have childNodes.
  if (node["childNodes"] != null) {
    // Don't forget to replace childNode's parentNode.
    node["childNodes"] = parseNode(html)["childNodes"].map((childNode) => {
      childNode["parentNode"] = node;
      return childNode;

 * @see
 * @see
 * @description Get an attribute value from parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {String} attrName
 * @return {String} Value of the attribute, `null` if not available.
const getNodeAttr = (node, attrName) => {
  if (node["attrs"] != null) {
    for (const attr of node["attrs"]) {
      if (attr["name"] === attrName) {
        return attr["value"];
  return null;

 * @description Set an attribute value to parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {String} attrName
 * @param {String} attrValue
const setNodeAttr = (node, attrName, attrValue) => {
  // Do not add attr to nodes without attrs array,
  // for example text node.
  if (node["attrs"] != null) {
    for (const attr of node["attrs"]) {
      // Already have this attr, then replace.
      if (attr["name"] === attrName) {
        attr["value"] = attrValue;
    // Have other attrs but not this, so append.
    node["attrs"].push({"name": attrName, "value": attrValue});

 * @description Update headings' IDs for bootstrap scrollspy.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} [opts]
 * @param {String} [opts.safeChar="-"] Char used to replace unsupported chars.
const resolveHeadingIDs = (node, opts = {}) => {
  const headingNames = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"];
  const headingIDs = {};
  const headingNodes = nodesFilter(node, (node) => {
    return headingNames.includes(node["tagName"]);
  for (const node of headingNodes) {
    const text = getNodeText(node);
    if (text != null) {
      // Replace some chars in escaped ID because scrollspy cannot support it.
      const encoded = encodeURI(text.trim().replace(
        opts["safeChar"] || "-"
      const id = headingIDs[encoded] == null
        ? encoded
        : `${encoded}-${headingIDs[encoded]++}`;
      // If we have `abc`, `abc` and `abc-1`, we must save the `abc-1` generated
      // by the second `abc`, to prevent 2 `abc-1` for the last `abc-1`.
      headingIDs[id] = 1;
      setNodeAttr(node, "id", id);
        node, `<a class="heading-link header-link" href="#${id}"></a>${text}`

 * @deprecated
 * @description Use `resolveHeadingIDs(node)` instead.
const resolveHeaderIDs = resolveHeadingIDs;

 * @description Generate TOC from HTML headings.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} [opts]
const genTOC = (node, opts = {}) => {
  const headingNames = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"];
  const toc = [];
  const headingNodes = nodesFilter(node, (node) => {
    return headingNames.includes(node["tagName"]);
  for (const node of headingNodes) {
    let level = toc;
    while (
      level.length > 0 &&
        level[level.length - 1]["name"]
      ) < headingNames.indexOf(node["tagName"])
    ) {
      level = level[level.length - 1]["subs"];
    const id = getNodeAttr(node, "id");
    const text = getNodeText(node);
    if (id != null && text != null) {
      // Don't set anchor to absolute path,
      // because it's hard to write selector for scrollspy.
      level.push(new TOC(node["tagName"], `#${id}`, text.trim()));
  return toc;

 * @description Get protocol of a URL.
 * @param {String} url
 * @return {String} If no protocol return `null`.
const getURLProtocol = (url) => {
  try {
    // If no protocol in url, it will throw an error.
    return new URL(url).protocol;
  } catch (error) {
    return null;

 * @description Update site's internal link to absolute path, and add attributes
 * for external link.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {String} baseURL Site baseURL.
 * @param {String} rootDir Site rootDir.
 * @param {String} docPath
 * @param {Object} [opts]
const resolveAnchors = (node, baseURL, rootDir, docPath, opts = {}) => {
  const isCurrentHost = isCurrentHostFn(baseURL, rootDir);
  const getPath = getPathFn(rootDir);
  // Replace relative path to absolute path.
  const anchorNodes = nodesFilter(node, (node) => {
    return node["tagName"] === "a";
  for (const node of anchorNodes) {
    const href = getNodeAttr(node, "href");
    if (href != null) {
      if (!isCurrentHost(href)) {
        setNodeAttr(node, "target", "_blank");
        setNodeAttr(node, "rel", "external nofollow noreferrer noopener");
      // `path.posix.isAbsolute()` detects `/` or `//`.
      if (!(path.posix.isAbsolute(href) || getURLProtocol(href) != null)) {
         * marked.js and CommonMark tends to do URL encode by themselves.
         * I should skip `encodeURI()` here and do it for heading ID only.
         * See <>.
          node, "href", getPath(path.join(path.dirname(docPath), href), true)

 * @description Update site's internal image src to absolute path.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {String} rootDir Site rootDir.
 * @param {String} docPath
 * @param {Object} [opts]
const resolveImages = (node, rootDir, docPath, opts = {}) => {
  const getPath = getPathFn(rootDir);
  // Replace relative path to absolute path.
  const imageNodes = nodesFilter(node, (node) => {
    return node["tagName"] === "img";
  for (const node of imageNodes) {
    const src = getNodeAttr(node, "src");
    if (src != null) {
      // `path.posix.isAbsolute()` detects `/` or `//`.
      if (!(path.posix.isAbsolute(src) || getURLProtocol(src) != null)) {
          node, "src", getPath(path.join(path.dirname(docPath), src))

 * @description Update code blocks.
 * @param {Object} node parse5 Node.
 * @param {Object} [opts]
 * @param {Boolean} [opts.lineNumbers=false] Generate line numbers.
const resolveCodeBlocks = (node, opts = {}) => {
  const codeBlockNodes = nodesFilter(node, (node) => {
    return node["tagName"] === "pre" &&
           // Prevent re-resolving code blocks when re-process.
           node["parentNode"]["tagName"] !== "figure" &&
           node["childNodes"].length === 1 &&
           node["childNodes"][0]["tagName"] === "code";
  for (const node of codeBlockNodes) {
    const code = getNodeText(node["childNodes"][0]);
    if (code != null) {
      const info = getNodeAttr(node["childNodes"][0], "class");
      // Many Markdown renderer add `language-` prefix to code block's info.
      // Better to remove it while processing to keep consistent.
      let lang = info;
      const langPrefix = "language-";
      if (info != null && info.startsWith(langPrefix)) {
        lang = info.substring(langPrefix.length);
      const escapedCode = escapeHTML(code);

      const results = [`<figure data-raw="${escapedCode}"`];
      if (info != null) {
        results.push(` data-info="${info}" data-lang="${lang}"`);
      results.push(" class=\"code-block\">");

      if (opts["lineNumbers"]) {
        results.push("<pre class=\"line-numbers gutter\">");
        // Highlight should not change lines, but may replace `\n` with `<br>`,
        // so use original code here.
        const codeLines = escapedCode.split(/\r?\n/g);
        // It seems marked.js starts to keep the last `\n`, which will leave an
        // empty line after splitting, and we should not add line number for the
        // last empty line. Don't do trim here, we only ignore!
        if (codeLines[codeLines.length - 1].length === 0) {
        for (let i = 0; i < codeLines.length; ++i) {
          results.push(`<span class="line-number">${i + 1}</span>`);
          if (i !== codeLines.length - 1) {

      results.push("<pre class=\"code\">");
      if (info != null) {
        results.push(`<code class="${info}">`);
      } else {

      replaceNode(node, results.join(""));

 * @description Get Hikaru version.
 * @return {String}
const getVersion = () => {
  return pkgJSON["version"];

 * @description Hikaru's default 404 page content for server.
 * @type {String}
const default404 = [
  "<!DOCTYPE html>",
  "  <head>",
  "    <meta charset=\"utf-8\">",
  "    <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">",
  "    <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1\">",
  "    <title>404 Not Found</title>",
  "  </head>",
  "  <body>",
  "    <h1>404 Not Found</h1>",
  `    <p>Hikaru v${getVersion()}</p>`,
  "  </body>",

// Nunjucks uses runtime including (we treat extending as another kind if
// including), which means it will try to call included template everytime it
// renders instead of call included template once during compiling. So if a
// included template is updated, all templates that include it will be updated.
// That means we don't need to handle file dependencies of nunjucks templates.
// We already load and compile toplevel templates by ourselves, but for included
// templates, they are loaded and compiled by nunjucks loader. By default, the
// FileSystemLoader of nunjucks could watch and reload files, so we only need to
// watch the toplevel layout files (because we load and compile them, not
// nunjucks). However, FileSystemLoader refuses to load files out of search
// paths, which is needed for plugins. And users may use other templating engine
// that does not support watching and reloading, so it is useful to control
// watching and reloading by ourselves, then we could also bypass nunjucks to
// load file contents from Hikaru via custom loader.
 * @private
class NjkLoader extends nunjucks.Loader {
  constructor(hikaru) {
    this.watcher = hikaru.watcher;
    this.layouts =["layouts"];
    this.layoutDir =["siteConfig"]["themeLayoutDir"];
    if (this.watcher != null) {
      // This is mainly for non-toplevel templates that will be included by
      // other templates, because they are loaded by nunjucks, we need to tell
      // nunjucks to update them.
        this.layoutDir, (srcDir, srcPaths) => {
          const {added, changed, removed} = srcPaths;
          const all = added.concat(changed).concat(removed);
          for (const srcPath of all) {
            // Mark that template as dirty in the internal cache of nunjucks,
            // so it will re-fetch content from this loader when including.
            this.emit("update", srcPath);

  getSource(srcPath) {
    // If template is not in theme's layout dir, for example plugin's templates,
    // fallback to read from disk.
    let result = null;
    if (!this.layouts.has(srcPath)) {
      // Ignore non-existing files.
      if (!isReadableSync(srcPath)) {
        return null;
      // Async including in nunjucks for loops is hard to handle, so always read
      // file sync.
      result = {
        "src": fse.readFileSync(srcPath, "utf8"),
        "path": srcPath,
        // We have no way in plugins to tell nunjucks to update included
        // templates which will be loaded and compiled by loader, so if we are
        // serving, we never cache those templates, this is not good for
        // performance, but plugins should not use too complex templates.
        "noCache": this.watcher !== null
    } else {
      result = {
        "src": this.layouts.get(srcPath),
        "path": srcPath,
        "noCache": false
    this.emit("load", srcPath, result);
    return result;

export {